Doesn’t take much to be stressed out at this time of year…all the hustle and bustle of the season.
In my life I’ve moved through many feelings and emotions and it would probably be safe to assume you have as well. Life experiences have lead me to the place where I now accept and am at peace with the feelings that surface from inside.
I’ve worked professionally with the feelings and emotions of other people since 1998. Along my journey I’ve observed a number of truths when it comes to any kind of emotion. I share these truths helping people gain greater awareness about emotions in general.
Truth Number Seven: Holding positive loving thoughts is better than worrying about someone
Feelings are energetic vibrations. Positive loving thoughts cause us to feel more loving. When we direct those loving vibrations towards another person, they feel them. Positive uplifting vibrations are different from the vibrations filled with worry and fear. We worry about someone not getting into accidents and/or having problems with their vehicles or we choose to have positive loving thoughts like arriving safely and everything turns out wonderfully.
Christmas is upon us and people around the world will be travelling. If we become aware we’re worried about them having all kinds of problems, let’s turn our attention to them arriving safely so they’re able to enjoy being with their loved ones.Â
Having awareness gives us the grace and understanding to realize what we’re thinking and how those thoughts cause us to feel inside. Awareness then helps us to deal with whatever we’re feeling more effectively. Once we have that understanding, we’re on our way to finding our own truth around what we’re feeling inside of ourselves.
I share these truths in my best-selling book, Relatefully: How to gain greater relationships from the inside out.
Blessings to you all for a wonderful Christmas season.