Have you ever been upset with someone and days later you’re still thinking about them and what upset you? The person who made you angry when they accused you of doing something you didn't do.
Have you ever heard words spoken and in no time you find you’re irritated by what was shared? Words like lazy, addictions or abuse.
If we’re still thinking about things like that hours or even days later, chances are we have an energetic cord that’s vibrating negative type energies.
As human beings, we’re made up of energy and can have energetic cords connected to other human beings, as well, we can have energetic cords influencing our relationship with different words. We can experience having both positive and negative energetic cords.
When you think of an energetic cord…it’s like having an invisible connection or attachment with someone or something causing us to feel energetic vibrations. Whether we’re aware or not of those cords, some vibrations don’t feel good causing us to energetically feel drained.
Our day-to-day interactions with others involves using words of all kinds. Some of those words create stress and unrest inside of us influencing how we feel when we think of them.
Below are 2 key areas impacting us daily. Energetic cords can potentially influence how we feel with or without knowing it:
1. Relationships with other human beings.
Let’s say we’ve had a great experience chatting with our friends today. We walk away feeling happy and content. As we go about our day thinking about those friends we feel energized and uplifted. That’s an example of the vibrations we receive through positive energy cords.
Let’s say we had an argument with one of our siblings leaving us to feel angry about how they treated us. Over the next few days every time we think about them we have troublesome thoughts causing us to feel upset inside. The more we think about them, the more physically drained we feel. That’s an example of the draining effect from negative energetic cords.
2. Relationships with words.
Along our journey we’ve learned many words, some of which we’ve learned in relation to the difficult experiences we’ve had in our life. Because of those experiences we’ve attached meanings to those words that create a vibration within us.
Let’s say we’ve been blessed to have amazing grandparents. Our experiences with them have always been wonderful and as a result we have positive feelings associated with that word. When people talk about grandparents, that word alone causes us to reflect back on the great experiences we’ve had with them leaving us to feel fulfilled and loved. That’s an example of a word that vibrates positively inside. The result…we feel energized.
Let’s say we’ve failed a number of times when trying to save our marriage and it leaves us with no choice but to get divorced. We feel devastated that we couldn’t make it work. Any time someone brings up the subject or talks about divorce, instantly we feel drained like we have no life left in us. We now have a negative association related to the word divorce. That’s an example of a word that vibrates negatively inside. The result…we feel energetically drained.
We can experience positive or negative energetic cords for any length of time, associated with any words. Not everyone feels the same about every word.
When it comes to energy and energetic vibrations, there’re many things influencing our relationships with people and words. I’ve written out the words to a practice that I’ve been using when it comes to cutting cords for both.
“Divine (name of your Divine), I ask you for your grace to help me heal my relationship with (person’s name or the word). Please cut the positive and negative energetic cords, all the attachments and entanglements, any promises, vows or oaths, any programming, triggers, negative cellular memories and negative repetitive thoughts...from this life and all past lives. I ask You, Divine to cut the karmic bonds that bind us and zero out all the karma between me and (person’s name or word) without losing my ability to love and care about them.
After doing that…tell your Divine you now want to begin a new relationship with that person/word.”
Energetic cords are formed and can easily be cut in more ways than one. This is only a suggestion for you to consider using if you find you’re sensitive to energetic vibrations. Depending on your relationship with your divine and where you’re at on your journey regarding your spiritual growth, I invite you to find the words that work best for you when asking your Divine for the grace and healing inside of you.
I’ve also been asking my Divine for my highest truth and knowledge related to the different things I’ve been cutting cords with. For example, with the word ‘selfish’ after the Divine has cut the cords…I ask for my highest truth and knowledge around the word selfish with the intention to experience that word in a new powerful and meaningful way. It has made a difference for me.
How many times would we need to cut cords?
We may need to cut the cords more than once. Why? Because we’re interacting daily with people like our family, friends and co-workers. There’s an exchange of energy every time we interact. When we become aware of the times we find we’re upset with them or bothered about what they did or didn’t do those would be the times for cord cutting. When it comes to our association with words, once may be enough.
Give it a try and see what you experience. You’re welcome to share.
Wherever you are on your journey, may you find your own truth...find what works for you…and you'll always be guided to feel at peace inside.
Sheila Unique, Emotional Intelligence Specialist