One morning I woke up feeling awful. I was quite concerned because this wasn’t like my normal self at all. After I couldn’t shake it…I sent a text to my daughter saying, “I feel so depressed and withdrawn. Is everything going to be ok for me? Is this just a phase I’m going through? I can’t see the light in all of this. Do you have any words for me?”
It didn’t take long and I received this message from her. She said, “When we withdraw we can see things at another angle. I feel being depressed is a way to feel the deep to an extreme. Experience it. You have the gift of being aware which will prevent you from staying stuck in it. It’s just a phase. Honor it.” I was blown away by the gift of those words. Wow.
Day after day I’m reminded of the power we have just by being aware. I think things and feel emotions and once I’m aware of what’s going on inside of me I can make a new choice. That awareness gives me the power to move through it, if I choose.
Think about the struggle and conflict you’re experiencing in your relationships. Are you aware of what’s causing the disharmony? Let me go a little further…are you also aware of what’s going on inside in relation to what’s happening outside of you?
It’s one thing to point fingers outside of ourselves and say it’s because they did or didn’t do. It’s another thing to look inwardly and explore our part in what’s taking place. That’s where the power of awareness applies in our day-to-day lives.
Both personally and professionally, we’re doing things. The moment we’re consciously aware of what it is we’re doing…we have the power to make changes if needed. Once we become aware of something…it’s very hard to be un-aware. Life doesn’t work that way…nor do I feel it would benefit us to do that.
Wherever you are on your journey, may you find your own truth…find what works for you…and you’ll always be guided to feel at peace inside.
Sheila Unique, Emotional Intelligence Specialist