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One Truth about our Emotions

Sheila Unique

Woman holding picture of happy face in front of her face.
Woman holding picture of happy face in front of her face.

Recently I was feeling depressed. I couldn’t imagine feeling any more down than I was. I found it difficult to stay with what I was feeling and tried not to analyze or change what was going on inside of me. There were tears and emotions all of which I allowed to surface and at one point when it appeared to be a dark hour, I asked my Divine for some hope and inspiration.


Within two days of that, I experienced feeling so much joy like I was on top of the world. The world couldn’t get any brighter for me. Feelings like those were so much easier to feel…that’s for sure.

I became aware of how those experiences reminded me about the truths of our emotions. I wrote about them in my best-selling book, Relatefully.

Truth One: Heal Negative Emotions and Experience Opposite Emotions

The more we heal the unrest associated with our negative emotions, the more we experience positive ones. For us to experience positive emotions…we need to move through the negative emotions first. For example, we feel intense anger towards a relationship from our past. When we take care of the unrest related to that anger, we’ll experience feeling equal or greater amounts of love and joy in relation to that relationship.

We all experience ups and downs in our lives. Times when we’re feeling unsettled and depressed and times when we’re feeling uplifted and happy.

Let me say…when I felt depressed I was not thinking about how wonderful I would feel when the opposite emotions surfaced. That was the furthest thing from my consciousness. All I wanted to do was heal whatever was going on inside of me.


As I reflected on what had happened for me over those couple of days…as difficult as it was to move through that, I ended up being grateful for the joy that followed.  

I share this with the intention of inspiring you to not be afraid of the negative emotions that surface. Once we feel them and heal inside we truly do experience equal or greater amounts of love and joy in our life.

I personally feel we’re always rewarded for doing our inner work.

Sheila Unique, Emotional Intelligence Specialist


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@2025 Sheila Unique

Created by Sarah Kasleder at Media Vantage Point

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