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Sheila Unique

Knowing Everything in Advance

Updated: Jan 3

Emotional Intelligence
head full of things we need to know

How many times do we struggle with needing to know the how to’s before we actually do something? Have you ever planned doing something and before you even try it, you get caught up in not knowing how you’d do it? The result…you don’t do it. That happens more often that you may know.  

Recently, I’ve been expanding my business to work more with Women Entrepreneurs…helping them strengthen their relationship within themselves. I’ve been participating in some amazing events involving business owners and struggled bigtime with this whole concept of not knowing what I’d say or do before I even got to the events. If you could imagine…I was stressed about needing to know how I’d explain my business, the work I do and how that would benefit them and their business. I prepared my introduction beforehand and practiced saying it over and over. It was comforting to have those details before I arrived at the event. It definitely was a journey of discovery…one that continued to challenge me bringing up all kinds of emotions.

In my business, I’ve had people tell me they didn’t do things because they wouldn’t know what to do when they got there. They wouldn’t know how to handle situations when they happened…so they didn’t go. Whether we’re telling that to ourselves in our personal or professional lives…we’re going to be experiencing times when we won’t know! How do we deal with that?

Every day we experience doing things without knowing what will or won’t happen. We drive down the road…we go for groceries…we go to doctor appointments. We don’t know who or what will be there until we get there. We won’t know what to do or how to handle things until we get to those moments where we need to know. Going a little further…when we’re in those moments, we’re just being ourselves, handling things as best we can. There’s no guarantee of knowing who will be there or what will happen, let alone what we’d do.

Think about your life now. Do you find you hold yourself back getting caught up in the mind chatter related to not knowing what to do? If you do, have you ever asked yourself why you would need to know? What’s going on inside…that’s where our grace and awareness serves us best. Are we holding ourselves back or are we aware that something doesn’t feel right for us to go forward at that time. Only you will know what that is for you and I invite you to grow to trust that knowing. Every experience offers us learning and growing.

Going back to my event, I felt I knew how I’d explain my business to this new group of people and yet I was asked different kinds of questions…one’s I had no idea were going to be asked. Could I have prepared for them? No! Could I answer them? You bet I did and I answered them to the best of my ability. As the day went on, I started to notice I was feeling comfortable in my discomfort. No longer was I worried about being asked questions or even what I’d say to the next person. In hindsight…I observed I just needed to show up and the rest unfolded as it was to unfold with or without my preparation. I had a newfound attitude for living life…one where I could more easily flow with whatever each new moment presented.  


Life may feel less intimidating if we approach it as an adventure with the intention to experience whatever unfolds. One of the greatest tools we have is our self-awareness. A tool that helps us know what’s going on inside…in relation to what’s happening outside of us. When we have self-awareness…we have everything.  

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Emotional Intelligence Specialist

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